Saturday, October 27, 2007

The sound of my silence

Lonely soul still wanders
As though lost in failing light
Continues in a never ending search
For something always just out of sight

With an eye for beauty and a want for love
And with a living passion intense
Building turbulence even in her calm
With this search in the silence

Even as clouds touch the mountain peak
And beckon him to their abode
Her search takes her to greater depths
On life's steady winding road

On the way many have been
That have caused this loneliness to go
With a whisper or a touch
Or a loving look in times of woe

With memories of people and places
Both of joy and sorrow
With a hope that a feeling of love long gone
May be rekindled in the coming morrow

And so the lonely soul still wanders
As though lost in failing light
Continues in a never ending search
For something always just out of sight


Blogger Mind of an unknown said...

xaDid you really write that? Its beautiful! No matter what writing skills people have, I have great regard for those who can churn out good poetry. Maybe because I just cannot. best left untried.

The lines spoke to me...very nice

Sat Oct 27, 07:24:00 am GMT-7  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Which is why I don't understand people who sit down and write poetry. I don't disrespect it, I just don't understand it. I would love it if someone explained it to me, but right now, I just don't get it. I mean what do you do- think of rhyming words??"
- Centre of the Universe

Tue Feb 26, 09:45:00 pm GMT-8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:P :P

Now i'm not saying I agree with that. Just that it was said about two blogs ago :P

On a slightly more serious note, I loved it, especially the third last bit..
"On the way many have been
That have caused this loneliness to go
With a whisper or a touch
Or a loving look in times of woe"

Very very nice.. been there..

Tue Feb 26, 09:47:00 pm GMT-8  
Blogger inconsequential said...

Hi s,

"Which is why I don't understand people who sit down and write poetry."

Refers to people who say - Now I am going to write a poem and set themselves down and write it, I didn't say I don't understand people who write poetry at all!

In the context- this poem was jotted down on tissue paper with a borrowed pen...I didn't really decide to write it, or work out a rhyme scheme in advance. Which is why I don't possibly see myself writing too many.
More importantly, I am happy to see someone's keeping track and watching me for possible slip ups!
Thanks for your comments :)

Tue Feb 26, 10:34:00 pm GMT-8  
Blogger Zephyr said...

Hey Medha! What a beautiful poem that definitely strikes a chord :) Do you remember "The Highwayman" in class 9? Dunno why I just thought of it after reading this... Please keep writing, poetry too!

Mon Apr 27, 03:22:00 pm GMT-7  

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