Friday, August 26, 2005


Recommended readings (based on today's mood)*

  1. Moonstone - Wilkie Collins
  2. Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
  3. Prisoner of Zenda
  4. Three Musketeers
  5. The Flip Side

* All works of fiction, falling into no particular genre, not the best five books in the world but off the top of my mind and each a pleasure in itself.

Books are a pleasure beyond all other pleasures. You can live a million lives do a million things feel a million ways all curled up in bed with a different book each night. And television... anyone who says that it can replace books has less than half a brain. When you read a story in a book, the characters are your own, as you see them...your interpretation, the world of the book becomes yours, its a much much more intimate experience.

The smell of old books, out of a shelf, unused for ages...

A treasure trunk hundreds of years old- lost and found, about to be opened

The smell of new books, crisp, waiting to be devoured

A dream about to be dreamt.... unknown, inviting

Friday, August 19, 2005

Nationalism and wigs

Yes, so to cut straight to the point, continuing from where I left off my last blog...(hahaha, now u'll have to read it won't ya? ). yes so, nationalism, or whatever that thing I'm reffering to is called. I have been wondering if maybe its place is changing if not weakening.
India. People work all over the world, and country now is far from a criterion, its the offer. In fact, if at all people opt to move to a country where they have a better market for their line of work, whatever it might be. First generation, second generation, third generation born and bred abroad indians(if you can call them that) with absolutely displaced loyalties, or none whatsoever. Every Indian above a certain economic class is sure to have atleast a couple of relatives "well" settled in sum "phoren" country. And what I believe really kick started this discussion I've been having with myself is marriage. It used to be inter region (lets not speak of relegion, it's more or less irrelevant here) marriages withing India. And the children of those combines. Half bengali half malayali. half punjabi half Kashmiri. Then came the one quarters, one sixths eighths and so on and on, till now it's no longer quaint to come across what we like to call a true Indian, or in more amusing terms ek batta chabbis sabkuch. Surely such a person can't owe allegiance to any one part of India except ofcourse the place he lives in, which would also be rather tough if he keeps moving like mots people today.
And now it is inter country, which inevitably brings with it inter relegion, inter culture, inter colour, the works. So extrapulating from what we found on the indian scene, are we to find sum time-distance from now, a true world citizen. And that doesn't sound like such a bad thing. does it? Complicated, difficult to conceive more than a handfull of them, but still doesn't sound particularly objectionable.
Yet, I suppose its human nature, opposing change. So like we had for the once unusual inter regional marriages there are those who find it a tad unnatural and mebbe sad for an indian to marry a say a "firang". After all, their children can't be called Indians anymore, nor can they, if it comes to it, what happens to our indian culture of which we are so proud, is it to sadly disintegrate, a lamment we heard, perhaps not so long back, in a smaller but not so different context.

So that brings me, to the conclusion of a blog, that I found rather interesting to write, I wonder how it reads though, and I at the moment, am much too worn out to find out.

Anyway, a bit on the lighter side now. I went for a debate recently, speaking in front of people after a year, wasn't easy I must admit. I found out in the morning that it was to be all of 3 minutes, which was rather a rude shock, considering I had been hoping to cut down my 5 minutes worth of matter to four(which we had earlier thought was the time ).
Anyway, thanks to the fact that I am not in the habit of writing and learning up debates, it was not so difficult for me as perhaps it was for my team mate.
Still I discovered comehting funny and at the same time scray about myself. At about 2 minutes when I was halfway through what I had to say and they rang the firts warning bell, While looking all around the audience, as a good speaker must do, I spotted in the extreme right corner of the hall a gentlemen who's hair(style) I thought rather odd. I wondered to myself if he was wearing a wig, simultaneously, I made my first slip in the debate, repeated a word twice(and not for effect). From then on there was no looking matter how I tried to shake off wigs and all other amusing matters of hair, and concentrate more on how sports was not a profitable proffession in India, I could not. I blundered a couple of time, not too noticably I hope(and I have been told), but still there I was, taking in with my sweeping glances all the varied hairstyles people had and wondered how never before I had noticed the great and amusing vareity!!!
sighh...this is a very bad thing to happen, belive me it is...

I wonder if anyone noticed my smile(actually a supressed fit of laughter) as I stepped down the podium, having just finished scrutinizing my interjectors rather normal hairdo.

Must not should not happen again (But it was fun, I can't deny)

na·tion·al·ism n.
Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.
The belief that
nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively,
emphasizing national rather than international goals.
Aspirations for
national independence in a country under foreign

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Happy Independance Day

I am an abstract person. I love abstract people.

I have recently opened another secret blog, far far away in another corner of cyber space and it thrills my senses, this other hidden existance, this wonderful extension of myself, and I cannot wait to see what this chance to freely discover myself, might reveal to me.

It has been over two months since my lost post here, and I see no point in trying to keep it up to date. Even my own head is not up to date with what is happening in it, a blog can have little hope.

College has started again, and I'm satisfied for once, with the way I'm handling it so far. Remains to be seen how long I can maintain it. Hope for the best.

You see the problem I'm having here right now? you don't? well, you see, the problem is that having not written a blog for so long I have lots of various different things I can write about. And I'm trying to think and choose one of them as I type, which is why I'm making such a hash of this whole thing and blabbering. I have to write about Harry Potter, debating, gurgaon police, indians nri's etc, George W. Bush....the list is long and as each of these passes my mind, I'm flooded with things to say (read write). and why ever should I not write about all of them. Just because other blogs I have read till now like to concentrate on one thing per blog? Or because no one will have the patience to read all of it? since when have I been writing for other people anyway!....

But time is short( gosh! i didn't know I was such a pendulum) and I have suddenly decided to write about something totally different, but not all together surprising.... patriotism.

Recently on some web based community we were asked to define patriotism, the definitions were often varied and sumtimes overlapping, but I realised once again that I dont know what it exactly means, but I am deeply patriotic. I went to see Mangal Pandey on 14th of August. As a movie it was quite disappointing but sitting in the hall in the last 5 mins, tears rolling down my cheeks, I realized what a sucker I was for patriotism. All they had to do was finish the movie with some rushes of the independence movement and footage on the unfurling of the flag on the 15th August 1947 and there I was bowled over, something awakened deep inside me, something that was proud and happy to be an Indian, even though when I say that, I little know what I mean by it.
On the way back home, I wondered to myself if I had been born a 100 years back, how would it have been? (apart from the fact that I would have been dead right now). I wondered if I would have had the courage to endanger a cushy life if I had one to fight for an independance that I did not even know would come in my life time. I thought no, ashamed as I was to think it, I thought it. Surely I love my life too much to give it up on any one given random protest march, knowing that no one would remember my name like they did a nehru or a gandhi.....
Then I thought again.
It happened, people in thousands willingly risked their lives, jobs, courted arrest, did everything in their power for their "cause", now 60 years after independence ebing a second generation free india child, I feel I may not have done that. But if so distant from the freedom struggle a flag can bring tears to my eyes and strike a chord in my heart I am sure that if I had lived in those times I would have cared not for the comforts that I hold dear today, for I would have known something much dearer and done for it what so many did before me. And I am happy. I dont know why.

It infuriates me when I hear people say that since independance our country has gone to the dogs,it was much better during the british rule, we have no security, no progress, why do we even celeberate. I think they dont realise that what we celeberate is not our economic progress or standard of living etc etc, what we celeberate on this day is freedom, is a chance to run our country the way we want, to be sovereign, democratic, to not be second grade citizens in our own land. There is something deeply precious about these things and the really sad day would be when we forget what that is.

I love my country. I love my freedom. I love the democratic chaos ( when compared to superficial dictatorial stability)

But then again, a new thought enters my mind. This nationalism we speak of, is it not slowly becoming redundant. Are we not (and should we not) move towards one big country- the world and let nations move into the status currently held by states. More on this in my next blog. Got to rush now.....

Happy independance day