Wednesday, March 30, 2005

HOLI hain!!!

Holi is without doubt the best festival in India!!... Ofcoarse it can also be scary(if you have to walk on the streets and you see large groups of evil looking creatures) and painful (if you happen to get hit by a water balloon thrown from 3 floors above which eventually just bounces of you anyway) and bad for health (ice cold water at 8 in the morning on a windy day can't b good for you)!
But, its the best!
My friends and I had planned to meet up at one of our places at the rather late hour of 11 30 am. So naturally I played to Holi's. One where I was threatened( smoked) out of my house by people in my colony and the other as planned with friends!
So it was a good holi as a holi should be.
At night a couple of friends spent the night at my place and we talked and talk and talked of kings and cabbages and all such things relevant and obscure. There is really something about those conversation had in the wee hours of the morning that set them apart! Maybe sleep works a bit like alcohol, in the sense that it loosens the tongue(maintaining the coherence tho!).
We discussed politics, people, love, life, played that agelessly pointless game of truth and dare and laughed till we cried.
Truth and dare is fun either when you're in class seven or when you've had one drink too many or when you're close friends with a whole night together and nothing to do! At all other times we try and try but wonder why.....why we manage to have fun playing it when we do!
The breakfast was a dampener, listening to my boyfriend and my father discuss vaguely important things like football and beer and trying to add inputs that might sound intelligent only to be discounted by one of them or better still altogether ignored!!
Why is it that when two men meet, they sit together in the same room one reading a newspaper the other watching a football match. Occasional comments are passed about wots in the paper or whats on the telly! For someone like me watching it would seem they are oblivious to each other's presence, but little do we realize that this sharing of their passions(yess newspapers and TV) is the steady start to some high quality male bonding!!
This is something women will never understand but in time learn to admire and appreciate. A simple bond that guys form with no words said aloud with no emotions expressed can be stronger and run deeper than many a bond two women can form by talking and bitching about all and sundry. Thats something beautiful about guys for me...simple and pure.
Ahh...Have I praised the inferior sex too much, time for damage control?!... Maybe next time. For today I'm very much in love with their race as a whole. After all...What would we be without them!(Just that I wish they would admit once in while that the converse is just as true)
...And the argument continues

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Wanna make frendships?

A brief stint at Orkut reminded me of the 'wanna make frendships' and 'care to chat' types. Oh the world is full of those... classrooms, roadside,internet and now orkut. Everywhere you go you'll find these mentally deranged guys wanting to make frendships as if it were some kind of kite making activity! I suppose its the indian version of can i buy you coffee!

Life is not so good, Exams round the corner...looming ominously. I dont mind the writing of exams themselves as much as the before or after. Sittin at home these days and very tempted to write down my daily routine but i have been warned by my good friend against writing what he calls the..'I got up in the morning brushed my teeth..'kind of blog. But monotony has hit life that hard its come down to just those things.

Hasn't been entirely monotonous at another level though there have been some downs (the compensating ups are missing i hope they come in bulk :D ). For example a friend of mine recently while pointing out good points and bad about me called me self centered and self obsessed! Shocked the speech out of me (People who know me will understand the seriousness of this expression!).
While it can be said that maybe he dint know me that well maybe he dint mean it as harshly or whatever the fact is it disturbed me a lot. Goes to show how unsure we are of ourselves and how much we depend on others however close or distant for constant approval.
Logically speaking I could invalidate what he said... but then at some corner of my heart i yet doubt myself... or do... self centered...really?? Huhh...thats a tough one... wadya think manu?..leave ur valuable inputs on this if u read.
(S if you read this- no offence...and knowing u I will assume non taken)

Stepping one level deeper....- the thirst to achieve something and the yearning for success and meaning in life has overtaken me. I believe if I dont do something about it fast it will destroy me. The simple joy of wanting something, working for it and getting results eludes me. I'm beginning to attribute it to inherent character flaws and inability and that can't be good.

But then i'm gemini and thats latin for i'm ok i'm ok ! hehehe

And last but not the least ...sum zokes...
Q: Whats the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?
A: You can unscrew a light bulb

Q: What four letter word starts with F and ends with K and if a man can't get it he uses his hands?
A: Fork

Did you hear the one about the man who opened a dry-cleaning business next door to the convent?He knocked on the door and asked the Mother Superior if she had any dirty habits.

Cheers!'s to a bad sense of humour!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Lost and Found

....on life and the latest
I've finally joined the ranks of those incredibly stupid people who forget their passwords ! Hence my first blog almost nearly became my last...
but I finally remembered, so here I am!
Did a brief stint of orkuttin these past few days. For the less informed visit
awesome to find some old friends. R whom i havn't met since i was 12, she's gonna become a doctor now. spoke to her a bitbriefly, amazing how time cant touch some bonds.Fels like it was yesterday and the years of growing up adoloscence developing your personalities which are supposed to have happened in this time just seem not to matter.
Found G, my first boyfriends best friend. would love to speak to him but still contemplating, sometimes isnt such a good idea to rake the past. like i feel relationships are like glass better to leave the broken pieces than to her hurt yourself trying to join them. S(my first boyfrend) is no more but even talking to G might be hurt enough. Will keep posted on this.
....Of children both big and small
Was reading a friends blog today where he'd written a bit about how being around little kids he was wondering whether kids was such a good idea and whether he would be able to handle it.
Kids no doubt are a tough question. They are undoubtedly the most selfish creatures who think about nothing but themselves and how to get thier way! But because we expect this and nothing more from them they are the most delightful company. half an hour with a three year old can drive away wordly stress like nothing else can... give it a try!
And they're actually quite fascinating creatures with some brilliant theories. My neice K for example is 3 and a half (the half being very important at that age!). She is very sure of the fact that peoples ages are a smiple matter of oscillations so many of her stories start with when i was big and you were small..... ! lol. I wish (sigh!) . I for my part thought that kids were born kids and 'big people'were born big it was like having blue eyes or're just made that way!!
And almost every kid is either sure they attended thier parents wedding or is angry at not being invited!
I'd love you to leave posts about your take on children and quote weird kiddi thoeries! Manu are you reading this...mainly writing because of you and therefor also for you....keep posting. monologues frustrate me!(also anyone else who happens to read)
Will make an attempt to be more regular at this thing from now on. It's actually not as bad as i thought..
watch this space for more.... ( marketing gimics!:) )